
Pages are the primary unit in glass, and there are some special-purpose pages, and ways to make pages have extra capabilities, like having children pages or automatic redirects.

Standard Pages

All pages have a template associated. The template defines which content areas go on the page.

Parents with Children

Pages can have a parent which creates an internal nesting structure. This is totally unaffiliated with the navigation app. This internal nesting structure can be queried in the templates and API.

The most simple way to get all children of a current page is this tag.:

{% children %}

This puts them in the template with the variable name children and you could view them like this:

{% for child in children %}
Path: {{ child.path }} <br/>
{% endfor %}

Here’s an example of paginating all the children of the page with path blog/:

{% children parent="blog/" as posts %}
{% autopaginate posts 10 %}
{% for p in posts %}
    <a href="{{ p.get_absolute_url }}">{{ p.content.title }}</a>
    {{ p.content.main|truncatewords_html:75 }}
{% endfor %}
{% paginate %}

Here’s an example that gets four random children:

{% children parent="products/" as random_products order_by="?" limit=4 %}

You can use the order_by field to sort the children

  • published
  • last_published
  • modified
  • created
  • path
  • Use “-” before any of the above to order in reverse. “-created” is newest first. The default is “-published”
  • ? for random ordering.

Example Using Children to make a Blog

XML/RSS/Atom processing

Programmed Pages via AWS Lambda

It’s possible to use AWS Lambda to return or render a URL on your site. If you think you need this functionality, email Issac.


404 & 500 Errors

If you have a template named 404.html or 500.html, that will be used in the event of a site error. If you don’t, we’ll use our standard page. You can test your 404 and 500 error pages at <your site>/siteapi/500 and <your site>/siteapi/404