============================================ Content Block (WYSIWYG) editor ============================================ Most of the editing work will be done in the content block editor (sometimes called the WYSIWYG editor, for "What You See Is What You Get"). In general, if you want to edit a paragraph or large block of content, click on it. An editing toolbar will appear at the top of the block. Most of the time these areas will be page-specific. Sometimes they're used in site-wide areas, such as sidebars or footers, where you only have to edit blocks once and they're updated across the whole site. Either way, the editing process is the same: **Edit Content (WYSIWYG) Blocks:** * It's possible in these blocks to edit text with multiple styles, upload documents, add images inline, and more. Below is a list of the functionality of each button: .. image:: /_static/text-tools.png :alt: WYSIWYG content block editing tools * Text styles (Formatting) * Bold * Italic * Bulleted and numbered lists * Upload inline image * Video or iframe embed code * Upload Document (PDF, Word doc, etc) * Table * Link * Horizontal Rule * Code view **Additional Notes:** * The purpose of this area is to allow some limited formatting while keeping the integrity of the original design in-tact after years of edits and iterations on the content. Text alignment, color selection, and font selection are done by the designer at the site-wide level and cannot be changed without editing the site-wide defaults. The best way to think about any website editing software is that you're editing the content within a pre-determined design, not designing a layout the same way you would in PowerPoint. * The image uploader tool in this area does not resize or do any image processing, so don't upload large images straight from a digital camera without resizing in an image editor first. * If you work in the Code View to edit HTML, changes aren't applied to the document unless you exit the code view. Make sure you exit the Code View before publishing the edits.